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Stealthily edited by yours truly, MSPaint extraordinaire |
Blake Garfield
The other week I was wanting to read something really sleazy. I had plenty of stuff on the shelf that would fit the bill, but was hesitant it wouldn't fully deliver on the goods I desired. Around the same time I inadvertently found an absolute treasure trove of resources over at Lusty Books while researching another book I was interested in, so I dove into the first thing that caught my eye, Cheerleader in Chains.
It wasn't so much an interest initially in something to this degree, as I'd certainly prefer something more horror oriented with the odd sexuality intermingled, but while previewing this book - which kept appearing when you refreshed pages - I happened to read one of the last pages, which was so absolutely depraved and absurd that I went in full force. Beware, because from this point on it gets downright nasty.
I'm not sure what this genre or type of book is called, if anything other than just porn. This company, Greenleaf Books, seems to have been quite the publisher in the field, with a large portion of this digital library comprised of their titles. And the titles are exactly just that; whatever the title is, that's entirely what it's going to be about. They're short and sweet, so with a title like Mom's Dog Rape, you better steer clear, because the entirety of that book is going to be about that poor mom and a canine's carnal adventures, part of their Pet line; while Cheerleader in Chains is part of their Bondage line of books.
And so I was quite surprised when starting Cheerleader, that within the first paragraph we get a little exposition, then it's zero to fuck just like that, burning down the track for the entire duration of its seedy contents of sexual depravity, never ceasing or slowing down with a growing number of fetishes and infinite cumshots.
Our character, a cheerleader from the city, instantly gets picked up after a football game by the rival team's fans, a group of over fifty rednecks. It never feels like the group is that large, primarily focusing on the ringleaders and their cronies, the rest of the group mentioned only to heighten the disgusting nature of what's going on, like when the author needs to detail just how many men just ejaculated on her. In one particular hilarious example of this, eight guys are tit-fucking her simultaneously. How they manage this I don't know!
Initially the character fights the horrible redneck onslaught as they gangrape her over a motorcycle in the street, slapping her gigantic breasts with sticks and verbally berating her. They decide to continue the gangrape to some secluded farmhouse, chaining her to a truck and forcing her to keep up as they drive. Before this they stick over twenty ball bearings into both her vagina and anus, the clacking of these inside of her as she tries to keep up on foot emitting perpetual convulsive orgasms throughout her body, while onlookers in other vehicles drive up alongside her to piss, spit, and throw manure in her face. But it's okay, because she's apparently starting to like it.
At the barn all hell breaks loose after they make her, uh... eject the ball bearings from her anus and vagina into a pan, then scoop them up in her mouth like a dog and wash them clean. More people slap her around and have sex with her, then they take her into the room of Booger, the barn's resident obese redneck. The book at this point had already been nasty, but the hellish domain of Booger is out of control in the sleaze department. Booger himself is just in tighty-whiteys and a wife-beater, which are both yellowed with sweat and emit an odor that only compliments the aforementioned look. The same goes with his bed, which is a disgusting, yellowed mattress. Booger immediately takes the cheerleader into his control and forces her to clean his toes with her tongue and mouth the outline of his privates that bulge out of the vile underwear. She almost throws up a few times, but at this point she's fully obsessed with this degrading torture, which at this point is almost pure, revolting pleasure. Booger then whips out his gigantic package, and to the delight and surprise of everyone, is successfully and miraculously deepthroated by the 'heroine', despite almost splitting her mouth apart.
The excesses from this point are just as crazy as they bring her back out into the main area of the barn, tying her down and gangbanging her more, women forcing oral sex on her while Booger and co. anally and vaginally penetrate her, whilst others just cum everywhere they can. Eventually she's tied up in a trough, where one of the women stick a mop handle TWO FEET inside her, the cheerleader somehow wanting more! All 80+ guys come up and cum all over her in the trough, then piss in it as well. This unholy concoction is detailed to be past her legs. Finally, the main villainess comes up and shits in her mouth, the cheerleader absolutely loving it. They leave her in the barn despite her erotic pleas for more, promising to return tomorrow as she remains chained up.
Kinda like a literally trainwreck, as I couldn't stop reading this drivel. Dunno how often I'll delve into this sort of stuff, because there's almost zero storytelling here; just endless, vulgar sex for pages and pages until its raunchy finale. What a ride.
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